Thursday, September 13, 2012

Feeling of incredible inspiration

One of the more rare effects of cocaine, especially prevalent when a-lot is done is a feeling that you can take on the world.

I would personally describe this feeling as one of unstoppable-ness. I often get the feeling that all the stresses of my day or week or month are conquerable and nothing can stop me from making everything great. I feel like my issues become smaller and the beauties and luxuries of my world become greater. It's truly a feeling of absolute bliss, glee and ultimate satisfaction. I get excited to do something- even try thing I've never tried before.

People often feel more capable than ever before.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Feeling the need to move your body rapidly

Cocaine is one of the most popular clubbing drugs in the world, used in the bathrooms and back rooms of any joint with a dance floor for decades. Like Ecstasy, Cocaine provides users with a temporary euphoria tremendously effective in energizing the body, a euphoria which builds, according to all scientific evidence, off of stimulation typically found in clubs and dances:
- Flashing lights
- Bright Colors
- Loud Audio
- Rhythm

These four natural stimulations enhance the stimulation that cocaine provides to the brain and body. Below, a popular clubbing song titled "Dance on cocaine, LSD, XTC" by Sky High.

Monday, May 16, 2011

2011 USA Cocaine Use Report

Largest Cocaine Prevalence: New York
Top 10 Cities with Largest Cocaine Prevalence:
1. New York City
2. Los Angeles
3. Washington D.C
4. Miami
5. San Francisco
6. Phoenix
7. Denver
8. Las Vegas
9. Detroit
10. Milwaukee
(11. Chicago)
Fastest Growing Cocaine Prevalence: TIE b/w Rhode Island & Colorado
Fastest Decreasing Cocaine Prevalence: North Carolina
Fastest Growing Cocaine Prevalence (City): Washington D.C
Fastest Decreasing Cocaine Prevalence (City): Louisville 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

All Celebrities love Cocaine

I forgot to mention Regina Specktor and Amy Winehouse in this video, but they are pretty obvious coke addicts at this point.

What do Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Lindsay Lohan, Eminem, Lupe Fiasco, Jill Scott, Kesha, Fergie, Regina Specktor, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse, Atmosphere, Charlie Sheen, Kid Cudi, Whitney Houston, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, Beck, 50 Cent, Soulja Boy, Robert Downy Jr., Kate Moss, Drew Barrymore, Macy Gray and Wendy Williams all have in common?


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feeling the need to say everything on your mind

Very few people who do cocaine in a social setting become quiet. Almost every single addict and user reports that they wish to speak up on every thought popping into their rapidly accelerating mind. They form visceral, confident and brilliant opinions, as the excess of dopamine in their brains allows them to break free from feelings of sadness that prevent them from exercising their true potential.

Nothing in this framework is flawed. If you have ever witnessed somebody coked up, you know how badly they want to talk. You can sense it. They become impatient, although not typically disrespectful because they feel the need to satisfy all their needs- one of which includes listening and praising your thoughts. Konman, a contributor, described it as such:
...[I] was all wired up, could not stop talking, felt like a million bucks."

Sources used in this article:

Feeling of Jubilation

David Bowie and Iggy Pop coked up at Max's Kansas City,
a nightclub and restaurant in New York City. 
When users and addicts indulge in cocaine use, they all encounter and often describe as it happens, a moment of jubilation. Djhayes383, a commenteer on, stated that when on cocaine, he always experiences:
"...feeling a moment, a short time of feeling absolutely overjoyed, a moment of complete jubilation...."
This jubilation that many feel is created when cocaine enters the area of the brain where dopamine is located. The coke blocks the reuptake pumps that normally remove dopamine from the synapse of nerve cells. So basically, more dopamine gathers at the synapse and feelings of intense pleasure result.

David Bowie always spoke of cocaine as something that made fun moments more fun. He now claims to be coke sober.

Cocaine & Athletes

When you hear about an athlete dying suddenly and the autopsy reports that he had a heart attack with multiple dead areas in the heart and dilated cardiomyopathy, think of cocaine. Normally, I advocate for at least trying cocaine. But cocaine and athletics are not to be mixed.

Many top athletes take cocaine because they think that it improves their game. In 1884, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychiatry, showed that within minutes of snorting cocaine, a person can contract his muscles with more force and react faster to external stimuli. For example, a basketball player can dribble around an opponent and respond faster to moves to block him. Cocaine is a potent stimulant that makes an athlete more alert. It makes him feel that he can accomplish more and makes him willing to suffer more. A basketball player on cocaine may attempt to take shots further out from the basket than he usually does. A football player may play until he loses consciousness. These effects can last up to 3 hours.

A recent study in the International Journal of Cardiology shows that exercising after taking cocaine markedly increases a person's chances of developing irregular heart beats and dying. Cocaine is a potent stimulant that makes your heart beat faster. Low doses of cocaine usually do not cause significant irregular heart beats, while higher doses often do. This study shows that a low dose of cocaine that is safe at rest can cause irregular heart beats during exercise. Cocaine augments the effects of the tremendous amounts of the body's own natural stimulants called epinephrine and norepinephrine which raise blood pressure and makes the heart beat faster, stronger and more irregularly.

Sources for this article: