Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feeling of Confidence

While high on cocaine, users can have the illusion of feeling better about themselves than they usually do. This is often true to the point of feeling superior to other people aka grandiosity. This effect of the cocaine high can have a particular appeal to people with low self esteem, or people who are in situations where a greater level of confidence is desirable, such as performers. Many who witness somebody rambling or pumping their fists in the prime of their high are impressed by the unusual self-esteem and joy and become either suspicious or very proud or happy for the person.

Unfortunately, this false confidence can have a bad side. Because it is an effect of the drug, and not based on any real accomplishment, and grandiosity can be annoying to other people, leading to social problems.

Once cocaine users come down from the cocaine high, they may feel even worse about themselves than they did before, setting themselves up for a cycle of using to try and feel better, with each time the effect being increasingly short-lived.
Many indulgers and addicts report that the morning after they feel they know themselves better than they did before their high and low and they feel more self-confidence and self-awareness.

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